Postulez aux bourses d'études DAAD Tropical Forestry Master à l'Université de Göttingen Allemagne !

Publié le | Catégorie : Appel à candidature

Deadline : 31 octobre 2023

Voici tous détails en anglais.

Applications are open for the DAAD Funded MSc programme in Tropical and International Forestry at the Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Unioversioty of Göttingen. The MSc programme in Tropical and International Forestry focuses on sustainable management and conservation of forest ecosystems worldwide. The proram is specially dedicated to research sustainable management and conservation of forests especially in the tropical and subtropical forests of developing or emerging countries offering a research-based education in gthe field of forest sciences and forest ecology.

This MSc programme is dedicated to students intersted in pursuing an international career in forestry, nature conservation, ecosuystem research or in development orgazations at the university, with the aim of enhancing their understanding od the current trends in management and conservation as well as laying ground for research in this filed of study.

The study contests of the new MSc programme Forest and Ecosystem Sciences provide hands-on approaches to takle burning current issues such as global change, climate warming, land use change, species loss and biodiversity treats. The studies cover ecosystems analysis and modelling with in-dept training in adva,ced programming , data analysis as well as theoretical ecology and pratical conservation management.


  • Please note thet the University does not charge tuition fees from students enrolled in one of its degree programmes.
  • DAAD Scholarship : applicants who fulfill the DAAD scholarship requiremenrswill be awarded the DAAD scholarship for the whole study period.
  • DAAD offers monthy stipends worth 861 euros for graduate or 1,200 euros for doctoral candidates.
  • You will also receive payments towwards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover.
  • Selected students will receive a travel allowance to travel from their home countries to Germany.
  • Under certain circumstances, scholarship recipients may also receive the additional benefits such as Monthy rent subsidy and Monthy allowance for accompanying members of family.


  • You must posses a professional degree i.e, BSc or equivalent in forestry or related field (e.g., agriculture, geography)
  • Applicants must posses very good to good results conferred by an institute of higher education or a similar qualification.
  • You must make sure thet you have the required proficiency in english (TOEFL or IELTS)

DAAD Scholarship Specific requirements

  • The DAAD scholarships are dedicated to students from Full List here)
  • You must be working at either a public authority or a state or private company in a developing country.
  • Applicants must have at least two years of related professional experience (This requirement changes by Country. Students from certain countries may not need work experience).
  • Your respective academic degees should not be more than 6 years old.


You will have to register online by completing the application from for both admission and DAAD scholarship and uploading your documents olong with them. Please note that all certificates must be translated into engish or German if they are not issued in these languages.

Required documents

  • The Diploma(s) of the applicant in certified German or English transaltions if the originals are not in English or German.
  • Your most recent curriculum vitae (Europass) in Engish with a meaningful presentation of the educational background.
  • An indication of the intended major field of study
  • Proof of sufficient language skills or evidence of such skills for English and/or German. For English : English – IELTS (band 6) or TOEFL (min.81)
  • The application form ((an automatically generated PDF that summarizes the online application entries, which is sent to your email address)

DAAD Scholarship specific documents

  • The DDAD application form (green form)
  • A recent photograph attached to the application forms
  • Detailed Letter of motivation (with reference to current occupation and choice of postgraduate program(s), two pages maximum
  • Letter of recommendation from your current employer on a letterhead, a signature and official stamp and must be of current date
  • Letter of recommendation from your university teacher on a letterhead, asignature and official stamp and must be of current date.
  • Certificate(s) of Employment from the employer(s) thaat proof a minimum of two years of relevant working experience.