Appel à candidatures pour les bourses de doctorat 2024-2025 en Nouvelle-Zélande

Publié le | Catégorie : Bourses d'études

: 1er novembre 2023

Voici tous les détails en anglais.

Apply for the Victoria University Wellington Doctoral Scholarship 2024-25 to study free in New Zealand. This international doctoral scholarship is a great chance to gain recognition worldwide. The fully funded doctoral scholarship in New Zealand invites international scholars to pursue their research at Victoria University. Innovative students with excellent academic records and experience in their field of interest can apply for this fully funded scholarship in New Zealand for international students. These fully funded Wellington Doctoral Scholarships will help international students learn and experience advanced research techniques at the Victoria University of Wellington.

International students from all over the world can apply for this Victoria University of Wellington scholarship. Furthermore, students currently pursuing doctoral degrees at Victoria University are also eligible for this fully funded PhD scholarship in New Zealand. The Victoria University of Wellington doctoral scholarship aims to collaborate with different international universities and organizations. This aim will benefit both the communities and researchers. Wellington University is one of the globally ranked New Zealand universities. The Victoria University of Wellington offers 110 fully funded PhD scholarships for international students. 

The Victoria University of Wellington supports diverse cultures and engages the public; this is how international students from different countries interact and learn from each other. The fully funded Wellington Doctoral Scholarship in New Zealand is also a very good international networking opportunity; these networks will help them in their coming life, whether it be the educational or professional side. These PhD scholarships are a life-changing opportunity for all international students who want to pursue a free PhD in New Zealand. Interaction with top faculty will help them polish their research skills, and brainstorming will improve their personalities. 

PhD scholarship in New Zealand for international students is a dream come true opportunity for international students. The fully funded Wellington Doctoral Scholarship at Victoria University is open to different academic fields, which include Business and Government, Architecture, Design, Engineering, Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Health, Music, Science, Law, and Technology. As the Victoria University of Wellington PhD scholarship is fully funded, the tuition fee will be covered for three years, and an annual stipend will also be provided to all the scholars. The fully funded Victoria University Wellington Doctoral Scholarship is the best fully funded PhD scholarship for international students because the New Zealand scholarship will be provided on a merit basis. There is no discrimination; the Victoria University Doctoral Scholarship is open to everyone as it doesn’t depend on any race, religion or colour. So, if you are an international graduate and want to pursue a free PhD in New Zealand, then you must apply for the Victoria University Wellington Scholarships 2024.

 Areas of Study for Wellington Doctoral Scholarship:

  • Architecture
  • Business and government
  • Design
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Health
  • Humanities
  • Law
  • Music
  • Technology
  • Science

  • Country: New Zealand
  • Financial coverage: Fully Funded
  • Deadline: November 1, 2023

Eligibility Criteria  

  • Applicants from all over the world can apply. 
  • Applicants must have a strong academic profile. 
  • Applicants must have excellent academic references.
  • Applicants must possess a keen interest and potential to pursue high-quality research.
  • Applicants must have a very good record of publications in international and good journals.
  • Applicants must have very good research experience. 
  • Applicants must visit the university’s official website for more information about the Wellington doctoral scholarship eligibility criteria and the Terms and Conditions for the Victoria University Wellington doctoral Scholarship application. 


  • The Victoria University Wellington scholarship will cover up to three years of tuition.
  • International students will also get an annual stipend of $29,500 for up to three years.
  • Students will get an opportunity to increase their academic knowledge in their particular field of interest. 
  • PhD scholars will have a chance to enhance their research skills at an international platform under the supervision of international faculty. 
  • A chance to study PhD in New Zealand for free.
  • Students will get international networking opportunities.
  • Exposure to New Zealand history and traditions.

 Documents Required:

  • Last Degree/Transcript or Degree Certificate 
  • Max 500 words Personal Statement which includes why you want to study in this university, why they will select you and your leadership qualities.
  • Unconditional of Conditional offer letter from Victoria University of Wellington.

English Proficiency requirements:

  • TOEFL: 90 points
  • IELTS: overall 6.5 bands
  • Pearson Test: Score of 58

Application Process:

  • Applicants must complete their application form carefully and submit it.
  • Applicants must submit all the required documents before the deadline.
  • The selected scholars will be offered fully funded PhD scholarships in New Zealand within six to eight weeks.
  • Step1: Check if you meet the criteria and requirements
  • Step 2: Start the online application for the doctoral program admission and scholarship.
  • Step 3: Prepare your expression of interest.
  • Step 4: Prepare your documents and upload them.
  • Step 5: Recheck and submit your application.
  • The Victoria University Wellington doctoral scholarship deadline for the third round is 1st November 2023.