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Appel à candidatures au programme de l'UNESCO pour les professionnels de niveau intermédiaire 2023

Deadline :  31 octobre 2023

Voici tous les détails en anglais.

Application for the UNESCO Mid-Level Professionals Programme 2023 are now open. The Mid-level Professionals programme (MLPP) is a recruitment initiative for talented and highly qualifies mid-level professionals who wish to satrt andor advance their careers as international Civil Servants at UNESCO. 

The positions open for the MLPP 2023 are listed below :

MLPP 2023_Liason Officer (Asia & the Pacific) – Paris, France

MLPP 2023_ Programme Specialist (Water Quality) – Paris, France

MLPP 2023_Programme Specialist (Education) – Rabat, Morocco

MLPP 2023_ Programme Specialist (Education) – Yaounde, Cameroon

MLPP 2023_Programme Specialist (Education) – Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

MLPP 2023_Programme Specialist (Education) – New Delhi, India

MLPP 2023_Programme Specialist (education) – Dakar, Senegal


  • Applicant must be a national of a UNESCO Member State. Qualified candidates from non- and undeer-repressented Member States are strongly encoraged to apply.
  • The MLPP selection process is based on the standard UNESCO recruitment process. Standard educational and work experience requirements for professional positions at P-3 and P-4 level apply.

P-3 : Minimum 4 years, of which preferably 2 years acquired at internatioanl level. Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in the relevant field.

P-4 : Minimum 7 years, of which preferably 3 years at international level. Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in the relevant field.

  • Candidates should demonstrate an excellent knowledge of at leastone working language of the secretarit (english or french). A good knowledge of the other working language is an asset, or in some cases, is required.
  • A good knowledge of arabic, chinese, russian or spanish could be required or would be an additional asset.


Positions included in the MLPP are advertised for two months. Before applying, chek the requireements carefully to ensure that you are eligible and qualified. Note that all candidates must complete an online application and provide complete and accurate onformation. No changes can be made to the application once submitted.


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