Postulez pour Lucie Foundation Scholarship Program 2023 !

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: 1er août 2023

Voici tous les détails en anglais.

Apply for the 2023 Lucie Foundation Scholarship Program. The Lucie Foundation is proud to offer four cash grants to support the work of emerging and established photographers. The Lucie Foundation is proud to support emerging talent with vision and dynamic ideas that challenge and progress the art form of still photography into work that compels.

This foundation supports photography in a broad and diverse way, from Fine Art to Documentary and Photojournalism, to digital and film-based works and yet their concern is to support emerging photographers producing work that is at once gripping, and original.

The primary mission of Lucie Foundation is to promote the appreciation and understanding of photography. The foundation therefore presents four scholarships

  • Fine Art – Professional
  • Fine Art – Emerging Artist
  • Photo Journalism/ Documentary – Professional.
  • Photo Journalism/ Documentary – Emerging.


The scholarships are valued as described below : 

  • Fine Art – Professional : A fine art grant worth $3000 plus a $500 PICTO New York Voucher for fine art printing and printing services
  • Fine Art – Emerging Artist : A fine art grant worth $1000 plus a $500 PICTO New York Voucher for fine art printing and printing services
  • Photo made scholarship : A $3000 grant plus a $500 PICTO New York Voucher for fine art printing and printing services
  • The photo taken Scholarship : A $1000 + Sony A9M2 Camera with SEL 28-70mm GM2 lens, and a $500 PICTO New York Voucher for fine art printing and printing services.


In order to apply for any of then scholarships, you must fulfill the following application criteria

  • You must be at least 18 years of age in order to apply for any of the Lucie Emerging Scholarships
  • The scholarships are open to emerging photographers from any country all around worldwide.
  • You are defined as an emerging photographer if you are enrolled as a student, in the first five years of your photography career and do not earn the majority of their income from photography.
  • The Professional Scholarships are open to artists who earn majority of their income form Photography


To apply, you will need to complete the online application form and submit along with it the following application required documents

  • A Project Proposal that will include the following :
  1. Project Start and End Dates
  2. A 250 Word Description of your project
  3. Your Plan for completing the project describing how you intend to approach the project and how you intend to use the scholarship money
  4. Five Goals that you plan to accomplish while working on the project
  • A one-page biography and/or CV
  • Twenty digital images.