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Appel à candidatures aux bourses DAAD 2024 en Allemagne (entièrement financées)

Deadline : varié

Are you Struggling Financially? Here is an amazing scholarship opportunity for you to remove the economic hurdles that stand in your way of education. Aspirants are invited to apply for the DAAD Scholarships 2024 in Germany. The DAAD Scholarship is an amazing opportunity for students who aspire to further their educational careers in Germany. The DAAD Scholarship 2024 in Europe will be provided to the students at different levels of education whether they want to get themselves registered for a Master’s program or Ph.D. program. The DAAD Scholarship is a Fully Funded Scholarship in Germany for International Students covers all the expenses of the international student during the Study in Germany. 

The DAAD Scholarship Program 2024 is a splendid opportunity for talented, self-motivated, and skilled students to excel in their careers and achieve their goals while studying and getting trained at world-class educational institutes in Germany. This is a fully-funded international scholarship program that allows students to take courses related to sustainable development goals that can provide them with the necessary skills to make a positive contribution to their societies. Germany is one of the most diverse countries in the world, owing to its ability to integrate cultures, ethnicities, and nationalities. The DAAD scholarship is the best option for students who are interested in learning about different cultures, and who are open-minded and welcoming to people from different nationalities and ethnicities. 

The fully-funded international scholarship Program 2024 supports students from developing and newly industrialized countries with at least two years of professional experience in their pursuit of a postgraduate or master’s degree at a state or state-recognized German university. Scholarship recipients will receive academic expenses, a monthly stipend, health insurance, travel allowance, accommodation allowance, and monthly rent subsidy. The duration of the Master’s Degree Program will be 12-24 months (Studies vary depending on the program) and 36 months for the PhD Degree Program for international and German students.

Short Summary

  • Scholarship Host Country : Germany
  • Sponsored By : Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development.
  • Financial Coverage : Fully Funded
  • Course Level : Master’s, PhD
  • Eligibility : International students.
  • Deadline : Varies

List of Available Fields of Study

  • Economic Sciences/Business Administration/Political Economics
  • Development Cooperation
  • Engineering and Related Sciences
  • Mathematics
  • Regional and Urban Planning
  • Agricultural and Forest Sciences
  • Natural and Environmental Sciences
  • Medicine/Public Health
  • Social Sciences, Education and Law
  • Media Studies

Financial Benefits 

DAAD Scholarship Monthly Stipend

  • 850 euros will be provided for a master studies
  • 1,200 euros will be provided for doctoral studies
  •  Health, accident, and personal liability insurance payments will be provided.
  • Travel Allowance.
  • Free tuition fee

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Applicants From all Developing Countries are encouraged to apply. (Check Eligible Countries List).
  • A candidate must have a Bachelor’s degree (usually a four-year course) in a related subject.
  • A candidate’s academic degree should normally not be more than six years old.
  • A candidate should have at least two years of professional experience.


The application deadline to apply for the DAAD Scholarship 2024 in Germany vary from one university to another.

What are the steps to Apply For DAAD Scholarship 2024 in Germany?

To apply for a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) scholarship in Germany for the year 2024, you can follow these general steps. Please note that the application process and requirements may vary for different scholarship programs, so it is essential to consult the official DAAD website for specific instructions and deadlines.

  1. Research available scholarships : Visit the official DAAD website to explore the different scholarship programs offered for international students. Identify the scholarship program that aligns with your academic goals and eligibility criteria.
  2. Check eligibility requirements : Review the eligibility criteria, including academic qualifications, language proficiency, and any specific requirements for the chosen scholarship program. Ensure that you meet all the prerequisites before proceeding with the application.
  3. Find a suitable study program : Look for universities and study programs in Germany that match your academic interests and career aspirations. Consider factors such as language of instruction, curriculum, and research opportunities. You can use the DAAD database to search for programs that suit your needs.
  4. Prepare application documents : Gather all the required application documents, which typically include:
  5. Completed application form : Fill out the online application form available on the DAAD portal or the respective scholarship program’s website.
  6. CV/Resume : Provide a detailed curriculum vitae or resume highlighting your academic and professional background.
  7. Letter of motivation : Write a persuasive letter explaining your academic and career goals, reasons for choosing the specific study program in Germany, and how it aligns with your future plans.
  8. Academic transcripts : Submit official transcripts of your previous academic degrees or courses.
  9. Degree certificates : Include copies of your degree certificates or diplomas.
  10. Language proficiency proof : Depending on the program’s language requirements, provide test scores of recognized language proficiency tests like TOEFL or IELTS.
  11. Recommendation letters : Request letters of recommendation from professors or professionals who can attest to your academic abilities and qualifications.
  12. Research proposal (if applicable) : If you’re applying for a research-based scholarship, provide a well-defined research proposal outlining your research objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.
  13. Obtain acceptance/admission letter : If required by the scholarship program, secure admission or a letter of acceptance from a German university or institution where you plan to pursue your studies. Follow the university’s application process and meet any additional requirements they may have.
  14. Submit the application : Complete and submit your application along with all the required documents through the designated application portal or by following the instructions provided by the scholarship program.
  15. Follow up and await the results : After submitting your application, monitor the progress and any communication from the DAAD or the scholarship program. The selection process may take some time, so be patient and wait for the official decision.
  16. Attend an interview (if applicable) : Some scholarship programs may require shortlisted candidates to participate in an interview or an assessment process. If selected, prepare for the interview by researching the scholarship program, the university, and potential interview questions.


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