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Appel à candidatures aux bourses African Development Bank-Japan Africa Dream au Japon


Deadline : 21 septembre 2023

Voici tous les détails en anglais.

Apply for the African Development Bank-Japan Africa Dream Scholarships at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Japan. The African Development Bank-Japan Africa Dream Scholarships are offered by African Development Bank AfDB and Japan, and are open to applicants from African Development Bank member countries. Scholarships are offered to study for a graduate (Master’s) degree program in energy development and related disciplines at participating Japanese Universities, APU being one of them.

Applicants for the scholarship should posses relevant professional experience and a history of supporting their countries’ development efforts. Candidates interested in this scholarship programme must apply for admission for an eligible degree programme at APU. During the application for admission, they must express their interest to be considered for the scholarship. APU will then select eligible candidates to recommend to the scholarship selection committee that will make the final selection.

The scholarship program provides tuition, a monthly living stipend, round-trip airfare, health insurance, and travel allowance. Scholarships are offered under the Bank’s High 5s agendas:

  • Feed Africa
  • Light up Africa
  • Industrialize Africa
  • Integrate Africa
  • Improve the quality of life of the people of Africa


  • Selected applicants for the scholarships will receive the following benefits
  • The scholarship will cover the tuition fees for your selected graduate programme
  • You will receive a monthly stipend worth 140,000 JPY to cover your daily living expenses
  • The programme will also cover costs for an Economy class air travel between your home country and APU at the beginning and end of the program


Applicants for the scholarship must meet the following conditions : 

  • Applicants for the scholarship must be nationals of an AfDB member country (Please see full list here)
  • You must be under the age of 35 years at the time of application
  • Applicants must poses a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent in a field related to the Bank’s High 5s agenda
  • Your Degree must have been obtained at least 1 years prior to the application deadline
  • Candidates for the scholarship must have at least 1 of development-related experience from the date of their graduation.
  • Applicants must be living and/ or working in their country of origin
  • You must not be already enrolled to in a graduate degree program at the time of application
  • Applicants must meet the admission criteria for the degree programme they wish to enroll in


To apply, you are requeted to follow the procedure below :

  • You must initiate and complete your application for admission into a Master’s degree programme in an energy development and related disciplines.
  • Applications must be submitted online using the APU online application portal
  • Please not that the deadline for application is September 20, 2023 for enrolment starting April 2024.
  • During the application process, applicants will have to indicate that they wish to be considered for the
  • African Development Bank-Japan Africa Dream Scholarship.
  • Upon recipient of all applications, APU will do a preliminary selection and will identify candidates who will be recommended to the AfDB-JADS.

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