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Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering 2024 : Une opportunité de remporter un prix de 500 000 £

: 14 juillet 2023

Voici tous les détails en anglais. 

Are you an engineer with a groundbreaking innovation that has had a global impact? The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering (QEPrize) is now accepting applications for its 2024 edition. This esteemed prize celebrates engineering excellence across all sectors, recognizing the vital contributions engineers make to society. As the prize approaches its 10th anniversary, it seeks nominations that represent the diverse and transformative nature of engineering. Don't miss this opportunity to showcase your innovation and compete for the prestigious £500,000 prize.

The QEPrize aims to honor engineers whose innovations have positively impacted billions of lives. Over the past decade, it has recognized 20 outstanding engineers, and now, as it reaches this significant milestone, the QEPrize is seeking nominations that truly exemplify excellence in engineering.

Engineering knows no bounds, and the QEPrize recognizes this by encompassing all disciplines and sectors. From cutting-edge nanotechnology delivering targeted medicines to colossal green buildings, engineering innovations are transforming our world. Whether it's the precision of surgical robots or the development of high-speed broadband applications, engineering impacts every aspect of our lives. Moreover, engineering fosters the exchange of ideas, empowering individuals to pursue freedom, security, and an improved quality of life.

The QEPrize awards a £500,000 prize to up to ten engineers responsible for a bold and groundbreaking engineering innovation that has had a significant global benefit. This substantial monetary reward acknowledges the immense impact engineers have on humanity.

The QEPrize is open to nominations from all over the world, reflecting its international reach and influence. However, self-nominations and posthumous nominations are not permitted. The judging panel will assess nominees based on several criteria. They will evaluate the ground-breaking nature of the innovation, its global impact on humanity, and the uniqueness of the nominee's contribution compared to others involved in the development.

If you believe your engineering innovation deserves recognition on a global stage, now is the time to make your nomination. Applications for the 2024 QEPrize are currently open and will close on July 14, 2023. To support the nomination, referees can submit their supporting statements until August 11, 2023.

Don't miss out on the chance to join the illustrious ranks of past QEPrize winners and showcase your engineering prowess. This prestigious prize not only provides well-deserved recognition but also offers a significant monetary reward that can further fuel your innovative endeavors.


  • A £500,000 prize is awarded to up to ten engineers responsible for a bold, groundbreaking engineering innovation of global benefit to humanity.


  • The QEPrize is an international award and accepts nominations from anywhere in the world.
  • Self-nomination and posthumous nomination are not allowed.


The judges will use these criteria to select the winner, or winners, of the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering:

  • What is it that this person has done (or up to ten people have done) that is a ground-breaking innovation in engineering?
  • In what way has this innovation been of global benefit to humanity?
  • Is there anyone else who might claim to have had a pivotal role in this development?


  • Nominations for the 2024 QEPrize are now open and will close on 14 July 2023. The deadline for referees to submit supporting statements is 11 August 2023.
Engineering is the backbone of progress and innovation. The Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering celebrates the brilliant minds behind groundbreaking engineering innovations that have changed the world for the better. As the QEPrize prepares to mark its 10th anniversary, it seeks nominations that epitomize the excellence and diversity of engineering. If you know an engineer who has made a transformative impact, nominate them for the 2024 QEPrize and help them get the recognition they deserve. Together, let's celebrate the power of engineering to shape our future and inspire generations to come. Share your thoughts and nominations in the comments below!


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