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Sommet mondial de la paix 2022 à Dubaï

Des artisans de la paix extraordinaires, jeunes, compétents et enthousiastes de plus de 100 pays sont invités à postuler pour la conférence internationale du Sommet mondial de la paix de Dubaï 2022. Tous les candidats internationaux du monde entier sont éligibles pour postuler à GPS Dubaï. La conférence devrait se tenir à Dubaï du 23 au 26 février 2022. Les excellents aspirants sont encouragés à postuler pour une conférence entièrement financée. Il n'y a pas besoin d'IELTS/TOFEL pour postuler au GPS 2022 à Dubaï. Les candidats âgés de 16 à 40 ans peuvent postuler pour cette conférence. Postulez également pour la bourse de l'Université Deakin 2022 en Australie (entièrement financée).

The aim of the Dubai GPS is to bring the aspirants from more than 100 countries from all around the world to achieve sustainable development goals and commend peace in communities to reduce extreme violence, hate, and all kind of discrimination. Students & Young professions are encouraged to apply for this Youth Summit in Dubai.

Applicants those who have any educational background can be apply for Global Peace Summit. Every year more than 200 candidates are selected in this International Conference. There are 15 Fully Funded awards, Partially Funded should be 25 and Self Funded seats will be 110 for this Conference. You may also be interested in Ritsumeikan University Scholarship 2022 in Japan (Fully Funded).

About Global Peace Summit Dubai 2022 Details:

  • Offered by: Global Peace Chain
  • Summit coverage: Fully Funded
  • Conference Dates: 23-26 February 2022
  • Conference country: Dubai
  • Last Date: 15 January 2022.

Global Peace Summit Fully Funded Benefits:

  • 15 Fully Funded, 25 Partial Funded and 110 Self Funded slots
  • Airfare & Accommodation
  • Visa Assistance
  • Opportunity to interact with Global Leaders
  • Meet with like minded young social entrepreneurs
  • A chance to share your social impacts
  • Peace Education & Leadership Capacity Building Sessions
  • Diplomatic Panel Talks
  • Key note speeches
  • Focused group discussions
  • Group activities
  • Awards & Certifications
  • Signatory campaign
  • Cultural Presentation
  • Gala Night

Global Peace Summit Partially Funded Benefits:

  • Accommodation
  • Certificate
  • Intra City Transfer
  • Meals
  • Conference Kit
  • Conference Fee
  • Sight Seeing
  • Cultural Evening Ceremony
  • Celebration Party

Global Peace Summit Self Funded Benefits:

Self-funded applicants will be provided Certificate, Conference Kit, Conference Fee, Site Seeing, Cultural Evening Ceremony, Celebration Party.

Summit Topics:

  • Inclusive Economies Shape National Stability
  • Designing Digital Transformation: Leadership in Turbulent times
  • Reshaping Politician’s Vernacular; A Fresh Youth Approach to Political Speech
  • Protecting Liberity while Expanding Freedom
  • Gressroots to Public Policy & How to Leverage Both for Community Organizing
  • Community Based Rehabilitation : A strategy for peace building ( SDG 17 Inclusive Society)
  • Human Rights: A Never Ending Movement, A Social Responsibility, An Achievable Goal.

Conference Theme:

The Global Peace Summit Dubai Conference will provide an opportunity for students and young leaders to bring solutions and projects on “Reshaping Youth Response to UNSDGs” by participation in different peace sessions, talks, group discussions, and activities with international delegates and speakers.

Global Peace Summit Dubai 2022 will foster mutual understanding and harness capacity building of youth. Social harmony, exposure, and ideation create a new impact.

Global Peace Chain also aims to engage young people in conflict resolution, amplify their voice for social justice, and create a harmonious environment among communities & societies.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Youth between 16-40 of age.
  • Participants can form any academic background.
  • Open-minded, highly motivated, and passionate.
  • Students, young professionals are encouraged to apply.
  • Passionate to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Selection Criteria:

Selection committee will evaluate all candidate’s applications basis on their social achievements and allocate the best fit category to their application.

Application Deadline:
The last date to apply for the Global Peace Summit 2022 in Dubai is 15th January 2022 at 11:59 EST. The selected candidates will be informed on 25th January 2022.

How to Apply for Global Peace Summit Dubai?
There is an Online Application System to apply for Global Peace Summit Dubai 2022 International Conference. First of all You have to pay a Non Refundable Fee of $30. You can pay fee using PayPal. If PayPal is not available in your country you can also use Direct Bank Transfer option. Then fill application form and attach your documents and finally submit your application. The link to Online Application and Official Link is given below:

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  1. Nous restons disponibles pour être informé de la tenue de la conférence internationale de la paix 2022

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