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L' Afrique du Sud offre des bourses d'études 2022 ARISE pour des études doctorales - entièrement financées

Hourra! les bourses d'études 2022 ARISE pour les études doctorales en Afrique du Sud sont désormais disponibles pour tous les candidats souhaités, ce fonds de bourses est ouvert aux candidats nationaux et internationaux pour le calendrier d'apprentissage 2022/23.

The ARISE fellowship is funded by the Fogarty International Center at the US National Institutes of Health, the institution was established to provide support for one Doctoral student to join the Centre for Public Mental Health team in the Department of Psychology at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. ARISE wishes to a capacitate researchers with an emphasis on integrating mental health into existing services, with a focus on strengthening mental health services in community settings, including non-governmental organisation services

Through this ARISE programme, the Alan J Flisher Centre for Public Mental Health seeks to make available one fellowship to support doctoral study at Stellenbosch University. The overall goal of ARISE is to strengthen and extend the postgraduate pipeline in African public mental health by building capacity for mental health research across the lifespan.

Scholarship Criteria:

  • Register for full-time study at the Centre for Public Mental Health in the Department of Psychology at Stellenbosch University
  • Comply with the University’s approved policies, procedures and practises for the postgraduate sector
  • Enter into a bi-lateral Memorandum of Understanding with his/her supervisor
  • Support the development and implementation of a postgraduate diploma programme
  • Live in Cape Town/Stellenbosch for the duration of the fellowship.

Grant Value/Duration:

The value of the Fellowship is R300 000 per year. This exempts research costs that will be covered by the programme. Although the tenure of the fellowships are for 4 years, satisfactory academic progress must be evident for continued registration.

Study Requirement For 2022 ARISE Scholarship Grants for Doctoral Study In South Africa:

Candidates are required to own a master’s degree in a foundational discipline relevant to public mental health (e.g. psychology, public health, medicine, nursing, social work, occupational therapy). Applicants should have strong interpersonal skills, and be able to work in a collaborative fashion as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

Application Criteria:

Interested applicants may contact Professor Ashraf Kagee at skagee@sun.ac.za if they have any further questions or would like to discuss the suitability of their research proposals.

How to Apply:

Click here to download the application form

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