À la une

Déposez votre candidature à la bourse #YouAreWelcomeHere aux USA


Détails en anglais :

If you are a student interested in applying for the #YouAreWelcomeHere scholarship, please start by reviewing the scholarship page for a list of participating colleges and universities that are currently offering scholarships. Scholarship requirements and deadlines vary between institutions. 

Please reach out directly to the individual institutions with any questions.

Other Scholarship Resources

There are free scholarship databases as well as private, corporate, nonprofit, and government scholarship funds that serve undergraduate international students.   

Some scholarship databases charge fees to users, and other databases provide their services at no cost. In general, the same information is available from both types of database services, so it is not generally necessary to pay any fee. Be especially aware of dishonest scholarship offers: do not send money, bank account numbers, or credit card numbers to any organization that promises a scholarship in return. If you doubt the truthfulness of any scholarship source, consult with the admissions office or the international student office at the university to which you are applying.

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