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Programme d'aide financière pour les candidats à haut potentiel

L'ALU (African Leadership University) est l'université pour les dirigeants d'entreprises en Afrique. Nous proposons un programme d'aide financière qui rend l'enseignement de l'ALU accessible à tous les candidats à haut potentiel, quelle que soit leur situation financière.

The ALU admissions process is need-blind, which means that your financial situation does not affect our admissions decisions.

We offer the following comprehensive financial aid packages depending on campus selection. If you have further questions, please see our Help Desk or contact the Admissions team at admissions@alueducation.com.

Grant and Scholarship Deadlines

At ALU we offer two forms of financial aid; Grants which are awarded each admissions round and Scholarships which are awarded twice a year. When applying to ALU please keep in mind your Grant and Scholarship Deadlines.

Your Grant application can be submitted in either the round in which you submit your application (before receiving your admissions decision) or the round following (should you wish to wait until you receive an admissions decision before applying for a Grant).

Scholarships are awarded twice a year and you may apply for which ever Scholarship round is approaching regardless of which Application round you submit in.

Applicants in rounds 1, 2 and 3 should complete their Scholarship application no later than January 18th 2021 and applicants in rounds 4 and 5 should complete their application no later than April 7th 2021.

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