Bourse d'excellence pour les étudiants non ressortissants de l'EEA (RSM)
Publié le | Catégorie : Étudiants
La Rotterdam School of Management de l'université Erasmus offre des bourses aux futurs étudiants en master de pays hors EEA qui ne sont pas autorisés à payer les frais de scolarité de l'EEA, à condition que leurs notes soient considérées comme "excellentes".
Exonération partielle des frais de scolarité
La bourse est accordée sous la forme d'une exonération des frais de scolarité et couvre jusqu'à 50% des frais de scolarité hors EEA
Aucune transmission d'argent n'a lieu. La partie de la bourse sera soustraite du montant total des frais de scolarité hors EEA avant le début de l'année universitaire 2021/2022, ce qui vous permettra de payer immédiatement les frais de scolarité réduits, soit en une fois, soit par versements ;
L'étudiant recevra la bourse pour une année universitaire, d'une durée maximale de 12 mois.
For whom?
Application is open for prospective MSc students from all non-EEA countries who do not have a degree yet from an educational institution in the Netherlands, starting their studies in 2021/2022.
In principle, a fair distribution of scholarships over the various MSc programmes will take place. This principle may be deviated from and priority may be given to applicants for certain MSc programmes. The school may strive for a certain distribution over the continents. The school may give preference to students with one of the following nationalities:
African (all countries)
Selection criteria
Excellence for applicants with a Bachelor of Science from non-Dutch universities is proven if the average grade over the entire programme at the time of application is at least the equivalent of the Dutch grade of 8.0 on the Dutch grading scale 1 – 10. The Scholarship Committee will decide on the local grade equivalents for the Dutch grade of 8.0 using the grade information included in (a.o.) the Nuffic country modules. Additionally, a GMAT score of at least 700 is required;
Only students who are not recipients of any other scholarships exceeding the amount of € 5,000 in total in that same academic year can apply for the scholarship;
By accepting this scholarship you agree to assist the RSM Recruitment and Admissions Office in the role of an Ambassador with promotional and support activities for approximately 8 hours per month during the academic year;
By accepting this scholarship you agree to start your visa procedure before 1 June 2021. RSM holds the right to cancel your scholarship if you have not started your visa procedure and holds the right to offer the scholarship to a student on the scholarship waiting list.
Application procedure
First step is to register for the Master programme in Studielink. Once you have registered yourself, you will receive a link to our Online Application Form (OLAF).
It is not possible to apply for a specific scholarship in OLAF. RSM will determine whether you will be awarded a scholarship and - if so - which specific scholarship. RSM will only take your scholarship application into consideration as long as you meet the minimum requirements and meet the deadline(s).
Required documents:
A scholarship application letter in OLAF of maximum 1 A4 size page, including the following information:
- an explanation why you would need a scholarship, comprising a description of your current financial situation
- an explanation why you would deserve a scholarship, comprising a description of academic excellence and if applicable other merits
A budget plan using this template
If applicable: certified copies of other scholarships granted
Please note that we can only take the scholarship application into consideration when it is complete and meets all of the requirements.
When to apply?
Applicants for all RSM MSc programmes (except for the MSc International Management-CEMS) can apply for the scholarship between 1 October 2020 and 1 March 2021;
Applicants for the MSc International Management/CEMS can apply for the scholarships between 1 October 2020 and 31 January 2021.
The scholarship committee will determine award recipient(s) on 15 April 2021.
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