Programme Interculturel 2021 en Allemagne

Publié le | Catégorie : Allemagne

A propos du programme : 

Avec les bourses CCP, le programme CrossCulture (CCP) finance chaque année une centaine de professionnels et de bénévoles engagés de plus de 40 pays. Pendant deux à trois mois de formation pratique dans des organisations d'accueil en Allemagne ou dans les pays partenaires du PCC, les participants approfondissent leur expertise et acquièrent des compétences interculturelles. En retour, les organisations d'accueil bénéficient de l'expertise, des connaissances régionales et des réseaux des boursiers du PCC. Les participants apportent ensuite leurs expériences acquises à l'étranger dans leur vie professionnelle quotidienne lorsqu'ils retournent dans leur organisation d'origine.

Avec son programme CrossCulture (CCP), l'ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen) travaille en partenariat avec le ministère fédéral des affaires étrangères pour mettre en place de solides réseaux de la société civile entre l'Allemagne et le reste du monde. Le programme CrossCulture est financé par le ministère fédéral allemand des affaires étrangères et mis en œuvre par l'ifa. 

Les bourses professionnelles sont accordées pour une période de huit à douze semaines, normalement selon les modalités suivantes

Trimestre d'été : Juin à août 2021

Le trimestre d'automne :  De septembre à novembre 2021

Whom is the programme designed for?

Fellowships are principally awarded to people working in one of the following fields:

policy and society

media and culture

human rights and peace

sustainable development

In addition, from 2019 to 2023 the following key issues will be the focus for those interested in applying for compatible host organisations:

civic & citizenship education

digital civil society

Civic & citizenship education provides both young people and adults with the knowledge and skills that enable them to shape society. Against the background of current challenges such as populism, fake news and hate speech, civic citizenship education, especially in connection with digital media, is gaining in importance for an active and democratically organised civil society. People working in civic & citizenship education and pursuing goals in the fields of work listed above will be supported with these key issues.


Requirements for the participation in the CrossCulture Programme: 


The applicant must be between the ages of 23 and 45 at the time of the application.

Good written and spoken English skills.

At least two years of proven professional experience or volunteer work in a civil society organisation in the country of origin.

The applicant is in good health for a longer stay abroad.


The applicant has been and is socially engaged for the long-term.

The applicant can prove full-time experience in his or her field of work.

A collaboration with an organisation in the target country is in progress or planned.

The applicant possesses other language skills, particularly, German language skills.


Students cannot participate in the programme.

Eligible candidates ought to possess the nationality of a programme country listed below. Please apply only if you are a national of the respective country or acquired a long-term residence permit.

The application for the CrossCulture Programme must be submitted online via the application portal.

Please prepare the following documents for your application beforehand

Letter of Motivation

Letter of Recommendation

Curriculum vitae

Portrait photograph (optional)

Supporting documents (copies of degrees/diplomas, proof of experience etc.) might be requested at a later stage of the selection procedure.

Please make sure to have all documents ready before starting the application process. The application portal does not allow to save incomplete applications and/or resume at a later time. Please note that only complete applications including the documents mentioned above will be considered.

We strongly recommend applying via computer. Applications via smartphone or tablet which contain no attachments cannot be considered.

The deadline for applications is 15 December 2020.


Selection Procedure:

The selection of suitable candidates will be accomplished by ifa in consultation with the German Foreign Mission in the country of residence. Pre-selected candidates will be invited for a personal interview at the German Foreign Mission or via Skype in February 2021. The results will be communicated in March 2021. There is no recourse to legal action.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the final decision on the implementation of the fellowships (professional residence in Germany or "remote fellowships"= digital exchange, collaboration tools and specialist trainings) will be taken in accordance with the Foreign Federal Office.

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