Offre d'emploi: Consultant de recherche pour l'institut des ressources mondiales à Antananarivo

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L'Institut des ressources mondiales (WRI) recherche un consultant de recherche à plein temps pour soutenir le projet Hay Tao financé par l'USAID à Madagascar. Le consultant de recherche soutiendra, coordonnera et contribuera aux produits de recherche de haute qualité et à la communication avec les parties prenantes/partenaires pour le programme du WRI à Madagascar. Dans ce rôle, le consultant fournira une capacité de recherche qualitative pour le travail du WRI à Madagascar, en se concentrant sur les produits de recherche pour le projet Hay Tao de l'USAID, en particulier sur l'évolution de la couverture forestière. Les exemples de sujets de recherche comprennent à la fois la déforestation et l'analyse des incendies. En collaboration avec l'équipe du WRI Madagascar, le consultant de recherche développera des projets de recherche supplémentaires en utilisant les données et les informations recueillies pour le système de suivi de la biodiversité et des forêts construit avec les partenaires et les parties prenantes de Hay Tao. Ce poste de consultant se termine le 31 janvier 2021 et sera basé à Antananarivo, Madagascar, mais les sites éloignés seront pris en compte. 

Job Responsibilities Scope of Work and Deliverables/Outputs Major Responsibilities

Collaborate with the WRI team in Madagascar to better assess the different tools and methods for monitoring forest cover in Madagascar over time series through analyses and comparison of satellite images and field data

Identify the limiting factors that would allow the implementation of the best monitoring tools for forest monitoring stakeholders in Madagascar

Participate in the preparation and ongoing management of national forest and other data for use in the Madagascar Forest Atlas

Participate in writing peer-reviewed publications that validate the results from the research projects

Collaborate with WRI and Global Forest Watch to develop data documentation

Participate in the training of users of the tools developed in the GFW project and help the WRI team in the development of a training guide adapted to the contexts of Madagascar


Participate with the appropriate partners and additional consultants to contribute and complete the research plan in Madagascar

With the small team in Madagascar, participate in regular meetings of the research team to advance the research supporting the Vegetation Atlas of Madagascar

Publish peer-reviewed research on the evolution of the forest cover in Madagascar and other relevant pieces of research that advance the overall plan

An intermediate report presenting the synthesis of the information available as of 30 April 2021

A final report presenting the additional analyses corresponding to the results as of 31 October 2021

Job Qualifications Consultant Qualifications

Master's Degree or Engineering in GIS, Computer Science, or another related field

Significant experience (minimum 10 years) with geospatial data and GIS systems in Madagascar. Experience with both open source GIS tools, and commercial tools, such as Esri Arc/GIS, is preferred

Experience preparing data for and/or consuming data from geospatial web services, such as the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) and Web Mapping Service (WMS) protocols
Experience with server administration and experience managing GIS, enterprise geodatabases, and web servers including ArcGIS Server, PostgreSQL and IIS
Experience with managing, cleaning, and structuring geospatial datasets
Experience with satellite images analysis and proven statistical skills
Ability to write small programs and scripts using Python, Bash and/or other tools for automating workflows
Professional and technical fluency in French and Malagasy, with other language skills (English) beneficial
Detail-oriented and organized thinker who can juggle multiple, competing priorities
Creative problem-solver who likes to be challenged
Strong interpersonal skills and ability to work independently and as part of a team of individuals and colleagues from different cultures and in different time zones
Ability to travel internationally in Africa, the United States, and potentially other locations
Training of trainer experience, having a train-the-trainer certificate will be an asset
Extensive knowledge in the field of natural resources and the forest sector in Madagascar
Adherence to the missions and institutional values of WRI.

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