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NIGINTERN 2021: Stages de recherche scientifique au Japon

 Qu'est-ce que le programme NIGINTERN ?

Institut national de génétique (NIG)/Département de génétique, SOKENDAI propose un programme de stages de recherche pour les étudiants de premier et de troisième cycle qui souhaitent acquérir une expérience de recherche en génétique et dans des domaines connexes des sciences de la vie. Les étudiants stagiaires mèneront des recherches indépendantes sous le mentorat d'un chercheur hôte du NIG.

Notre programme comprend une formation sur la recherche scientifique, la communication scientifique et des visites de laboratoires pour discuter avec les chercheurs principaux. À la fin du programme, les participants feront une présentation sur leur expérience dans le cadre du "Symposium des rapports NIGINTERN". NIG délivrera un certificat à ceux qui auront suivi le programme avec succès. Les stagiaires peuvent également participer à diverses activités telles que des conférences dans le cadre du programme d'études supérieures, des clubs de lecture et des séminaires organisés par des chercheurs exceptionnels de l'intérieur et de l'extérieur de l'Institut. Des cours de japonais sont également proposés.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be interested in life sciences and be in the prefinal-year at the time of application, i.e. in the 3rd year of a 4-year bachelor program, in the 2nd year of a 3-year bachelor program, in the 4th year of a 5-year program, in the 1st year of a 2-year master program, or in the 5th year of a 6-year program. Students who are interested in enrolling in our PhD program at NIG are encouraged to apply.

* Because of a highly competitive selection process, applications from non-prefinal students and prefinal students of a PhD course are not considered.

How to apply?

We accept applications only through the online application system. Please read “Application guideline” below carefully and follow the instructions.

Application guideline and Online Application

* The online application system opens on November 26 and closes at noon on January 7, 2021 (Japan standard time, JST)

* Students interested in applying for this program must read, understand and agree to the conditions and requirements of the program.

* Due to the overwhelming number of applications, we do not reply to individual queries regarding this website, the selection status, and the results.

Financial Support

NIG will cover costs of airfare, local transportation fares between airport in Japan and NIG, lodging in the institute's guesthouse, and travel insurance during the program. Allowance for meals (ca. 1,500JPY/day, subject to change) will also be provided.

Conditions and Requirements

Internship Period

June 17 – July 28 , 2021

* NIG covers expenses for the designated period only. Requests for shorter or longer periods will not be considered.

* For any internship opportunity other than this program, please contact your potential host PI(s). In such cases, costs and arrangements for travel, visas, accommodation and living expenses are the responsibility of the interns or their sponsoring institutions.

* There may be some changes due to the Olympic Games held in Japan.


Q1:I’m currently in the 3rd year of 5 year-dual degree program. Am I eligible?

A1:No, we accept applications only from students in their prefinal year at the time of application.

Q2: I’ll be a prefinal-year student during the intern period but am currently in the 2nd year of 4-year Bachelor program. Am I eligible?

A2:No, at the time of application you must be a prefinal-year student.

Q3:Which countries / nationalities are eligible?

A3:We welcome applications from any country / nationality.

Q4: Am I eligible to apply even if my university is not in the country of my citizenship?

A4:Yes, the only condition is that applicants must live outside Japan at the time of application.

Before you send an inquiry, please check the above FAQ.

* Due to the New Year's holiday, our office will be closed from December 29, 2020 to January 3, 2021.

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