Demande de manifestation d’intérêt au programme d'ambassadeurs communautaires OpenAQ
Publié le | Catégorie : Appel à candidature
Merci de votre intérêt pour le programme d'ambassadeurs de la communauté OpenAQ !
Les ambassadeurs communautaires OpenAQ sont des personnes qui s'engagent à utiliser les données sur la qualité de l'air pour créer un changement positif dans la lutte contre l'inégalité de l'air pendant la durée de la bourse de 10 mois (et, espérons-le, au-delà). Ce programme de 10 mois offrira aux ambassadeurs une formation interdisciplinaire, un développement du leadership et une communauté professionnelle qui les soutiendra afin de perfectionner leurs compétences et leur expertise dans le domaine de la qualité de l'air. Les ambassadeurs peuvent être issus de divers milieux culturels, géographiques et socio-économiques et travailler dans n'importe quel secteur.
As an OpenAQ Community Ambassador, you will:
- Join the first OpenAQ Community Ambassador cohort
- Become part of a growing peer-network of nearly 1000 changemakers dedicated to fighting air inequality
- Be featured on the OpenAQ website and social media as a community ambassador
- Serve as a key liaison between your community and the OpenAQ community
- Work on a project to tackle an air quality issue in your community
- Grow leadership and technical skills to advance your work to fight air inequality
- Connect with diverse opportunities through workshops, trainings, and conferences
- Connect with OpenAQ advisory board members and diverse professional mentors within the OpenAQ network
- Contribute to the growth of OpenAQ by providing technical and community support and key perspectives
- Organize and host OpenAQ activities in your local community and/or region
- Receive a $2,500 stipend during the 10 months of the Fellowship
To apply, you must be:
- At least 18 years old
- Comfortable engaging in the English language
- Dedicated to raising awareness of air pollution challenges in your local community
- Comfortable interacting with individuals and organizations representing diverse fields including entrepreneurship, science, journalism, software development, and community activism
- Familiar with the OpenAQ Platform and the OpenAQ Community (a plus, but not a prerequisite)
- Committed to working with the OpenAQ in a collaborative virtual environment across multiple time zones
- Committed to dedicating approximately 20 hours/month
Please submit your application by the application deadline: December 5, 2020. Once you submit your application, you will be receiving a confirmation email of receipt within 48 hours.
If you have any questions about the program, please contact Chisato Calvert, Deputy Director of OpenAQ at
Siteweb officiel pour plus d'informations:
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