À la une

Bourse internationale 2021 pour les étudiants de premier cycle à l'Université de Melbourne

L'Université de Melbourne - Australie offre aux étudiants étrangers la possibilité d'obtenir un financement pour leurs études de premier cycle dans l'établissement. Les étudiants du monde entier sont invités à poser leur candidature pour la bourse internationale de premier cycle 2021 de Melbourne, qui vise à récompenser les étudiants étrangers ayant obtenu d'excellents résultats universitaires.

L'université de Melbourne, actuellement classée numéro 1 en Australie et numéro 31 (Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021), est l'une des meilleures universités du monde. Fondée en 1853 et institution à vocation publique, elle est connue pour ses contributions distinctives à la société en matière de recherche, d'apprentissage, d'enseignement et d'engagement.

Scholarship Sponsor(s): University of Melbourne/Partners

Scholarship to be taken at: University of Melbourne, Australia

Scholarship Type: Fee remission

Scholarship level: Undergraduate

Scholarship Slots: Not stated.

Scholarship Worth: up to $56,000

Subject Eligibility: All study areas

Country/Candidate Eligibility: International Students

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Eligibility: To be eligible for this scholarship, you need to:

be a citizen of a country other than Australia and New Zealand and not a permanent resident of Australia;

have received an offer for an undergraduate course at the University of Melbourne;

have achieved excellent final year school results, such as:

minimum of 3 A* grades in the GCE A Levels (with numerical grades) and more than 94% average from the 3 highest scoring A level subjects

at least 97% in an approved foundation program

at least a score of 43 in the International Baccalaureate (IB)

at least a 3.9 GPA for US High School in combination with at least SAT 1500 or ACT 31

not have previously undertaken any tertiary studies (excluding extension studies completed as part of a year 12 program)

Selection criteria: Eligible candidates are selected based on academic merit and ranked according to their results achieved in the final year of high school to determine the value of the scholarship.

Scholarship benefits

This scholarship provides either a:

$10,000 tuition fee remission in the first year of an undergraduate degree,

50 per cent fee remission for the three year duration of an undergraduate degree, or

100 per cent fee remission for the three year duration of an undergraduate degree

Site web officiel pour d'amples informations


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