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Bourse d'études MBA de l'Université de Harvard

Le MBA de Harvard est l'un des principaux programmes d'affaires au monde, enseigné dans l'une des universités les plus prestigieuses du monde.

La bourse Boustany MBA Harvard est accordée une fois tous les deux ans pour un cours de deux ans à la Harvard Business School.

La bourse offre ce qui suit :

- Une aide financière de 102 200 dollars US (51 100 dollars US par an) pour les frais de scolarité

- Frais de voyage et d'hébergement liés au stage.

La prochaine bourse sera attribuée pour la classe débutant à l'automne 2021.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must have an excellent academic background and show considerable promise. Although the Scholarship can be awarded to candidates of any nation, priority will be given to candidates of Lebanese descent.

Candidates may apply for the Scholarship only after receiving an offer of admission from the Harvard MBA programme.

Application Process

If you wish to apply, please send a copy of your curriculum vitae with a photograph, GMAT scores and acceptance letter from the University to: admissions@boustany-foundation.org

If shortlisted, you may be invited to an interview with the Foundation. One candidate will then be awarded the Scholarship

Deadline for the submission of candidacy: 31st May 2021.

The Scholarship will be awarded during the month of June 2021.

The Boustany Foundation Internship

Successful scholars are expected to complete a two-month unpaid internship with the Foundation. Projects are varied and relate to the Foundation's activities or those of its partners.

Travel and accommodation expenses related to the internship are covered by the Foundation.

Site web officiel pour d'amples informations:


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