Programme de bourses d'études africaines entièrement financées 2021 à l'université de Wageningen et Recherche, Pays-Bas
Publié le | Catégorie : Conférences & Workshops
Vous êtes un étudiant africain et vous souhaitez étudier aux Pays-Bas ? Alors la bourse universitaire de Wageningen est faite pour vous. Les étudiants africains qualifiés doivent postuler au Programme de bourses d'études africaines 2021, entièrement financé par l'Université et la recherche de Wageningen, pour étudier aux Pays-Bas.
Le programme de bourses d'études africaines (ASP) a été lancé par l'université et la recherche de Wageningen pour donner aux étudiants talentueux et motivés d'Afrique la possibilité d'étudier à Wageningen. Avec ce programme, Wageningen veut soutenir le renforcement des capacités en Afrique en attirant d'excellents étudiants pour un programme de master de deux ans.
Composantes de la bourse :
- Voyage à destination et en provenance de Wageningen
- Allocation de subsistance pendant 2 ans
- Frais de scolarité
- Frais de visa et frais d'assurance maladie
- Budget pour la visite d'un séminaire/conférence en Europe
- Participation au programme " Reach your full potential"
Critères d'éligibilité et de sélection
La concurrence pour les bourses est très forte et les chances d'en obtenir une sont faibles. Seuls les excellents étudiants, qui peuvent prouver qu'ils font partie des meilleurs 5% de leur cohorte d'études, seront éligibles pour le Programme de bourses d'études en Afrique. Compte tenu du nombre de candidats, seule une partie de ces excellents étudiants sera invitée à participer à la (aux) procédure(s) de sélection des bourses.
La moyenne pondérée cumulative de 80 % ou plus est une norme que nous respectons. En outre, nous exigeons, le cas échéant, un diplôme de licence de première classe ou l'équivalent. De plus, des lettres de référence et des récompenses peuvent être téléchargées pendant la procédure d'admission en MSc, ce qui peut aider à prouver que vous faites partie des 5 % les plus élevés de votre année. De plus, votre c.v. et votre déclaration d'intention seront évalués/évalués.
Si vous ne répondez pas à nos exigences d'un excellent étudiant faisant partie des 5 % supérieurs, vous ne serez pas éligible pour le Programme de bourses d'études en Afrique.
Exigences :
1. Vous êtes citoyen d'un pays africain
2. Vous êtes un excellent étudiant avec un First class honours degree ou une GPA de 80% ou plus dans un Bachelor degree
3. Vous avez posé votre candidature pour l'un des programmes de master de l'Université et de la Recherche de Wageningen avant le 1er février 2021.
Les dates importantes de l'ASP en un coup d'œil :
- 1er février 2021 : Date limite de candidature pour un programme de maîtrise
- 15 mars 2021 : Invitation des candidats sélectionnés à prendre part à la suite du processus de sélection (environ 60 candidats seront sélectionnés)
- Le 31 mars 2021 : Date limite de la mission
- Le 12 avril 2021 : Communication de la décision concernant les entretiens Skype (environ 20 candidats seront interviewés)
- 19 avril - 30 avril 2021 : Entretiens sur Skype
- 14 mai 2021 : Communication des résultats du processus de sélection
Procédures de demande
Comment postuler : Les candidats intéressés et éligibles sont tenus de postuler pour un programme de master à l'université et, s'ils remplissent les conditions requises, ils seront invités à l'étape suivante du processus de sélection.
Africa Scholarship Programme
The Africa Scholarship Programme (ASP) has been initiated by Wageningen University & Research to give talented and motivated students from Africa the opportunity to study in Wageningen.
With this programme, Wageningen wants to support capacity building in Africa by attracting excellent students for a 2-years master's programme.
The Africa Scholarship Programme is a scholarship based on invitation. It’s not possible to apply directly for this scholarship.
Available scholarships: 10
Application deadline for MSc programme: 1 February 2021
Start MSc programme: 1 September 2021 or February 2022
Components of the scholarship:
- Travel to and from Wageningen
- Living allowance for 2 years
- Tuition fee
- Visa costs and costs for health insurance
- Budget to visit one seminar/conference in Europe
- Participation in the ‘Reach your full potential’ programme
Selection procedure
Step 1: Check your eligibilityThe competition for scholarships is very high and the chance of getting one is low. Only excellent students, who can prove that they are among the best 5% of their study cohort, will be eligible for the Africa Scholarship Programme. Considering the number of candidates, only a part of these excellent students will be invited to take part in the scholarship selection procedure(s).
The 80 percent GPA or higher is a standard we uphold. Furthermore, we require, if applicable, a First Class honours BSc graduation or equivalent. Also reference letters and achievement awards can be uploaded during the MSc admission process which may help to prove that you belong to the top 5% of your year. Also, your c.v. and statement of purpose will be assessed/evaluated.
If you do not meet our requirements of an excellent, top 5%, student you will not be eligible for the Africa Scholarship Programme.
1. You are a citizen of an African country
2. You are an excellent student with a First class honours degree or a GPA of 80% or higher in a Bachelor degree
3. You have applied for one the master’s programmes of Wageningen University & Research before February 1st, 2021.
The competition for scholarships is very high and the chance of getting one is low. Only excellent students, who can prove that they are among the best 5% of their study cohort, will be eligible for the Africa Scholarship Programme. Considering the number of candidates, only a part of these excellent students will be invited to take part in the scholarship selection procedure(s).
The 80 percent GPA or higher is a standard we uphold. Furthermore, we require, if applicable, a First Class honours BSc graduation or equivalent. Also reference letters and achievement awards can be uploaded during the MSc admission process which may help to prove that you belong to the top 5% of your year. Also, your c.v. and statement of purpose will be assessed/evaluated.
If you do not meet our requirements of an excellent, top 5%, student you will not be eligible for the Africa Scholarship Programme.
1. You are a citizen of an African country
2. You are an excellent student with a First class honours degree or a GPA of 80% or higher in a Bachelor degree
3. You have applied for one the master’s programmes of Wageningen University & Research before February 1st, 2021.
Step 2: Apply for an MSc programme before February 1st, 2021If the description in Step 1 applies to you, you can apply for an MSc programme and, after being admitted, we might invite you to participate in the ASP selection process.
Please note: If you do not meet our requirements of an excellent, top 5%, student you will not be eligible for the Africa Scholarship Programme.
If the description in Step 1 applies to you, you can apply for an MSc programme and, after being admitted, we might invite you to participate in the ASP selection process.
Please note: If you do not meet our requirements of an excellent, top 5%, student you will not be eligible for the Africa Scholarship Programme.
Step 3: Steps of selectionIn the first half of March 2021, all African students who have been unconditionally admitted to an MSc programme at Wageningen University will be assessed with regard to the Africa Scholarship Programme.
A selected group of candidates will be invited by e-mail on March 15th, 2021 to participate in the ASP selection procedure. Only candidates who will be invited for the ASP selection will receive an e-mail. It will be announced on the website (under step 5) when the invitations have been sent.
The first step of the selection procedure consists of an assignment for which the deadline will be March 31st, 2021.
After a thorough assessment of all received assignments, a smaller selection of candidates will be invited for the second step of the selection procedure, which is a Skype interview with a part the selection committee. The Skype interviews will take place between April 19th and April 30th, 2021.
All selected candidates who have been invited to write an assignment will be informed on April 12th, 2021 whether or not they will be invited for a Skype interview.
In the first half of March 2021, all African students who have been unconditionally admitted to an MSc programme at Wageningen University will be assessed with regard to the Africa Scholarship Programme.
A selected group of candidates will be invited by e-mail on March 15th, 2021 to participate in the ASP selection procedure. Only candidates who will be invited for the ASP selection will receive an e-mail. It will be announced on the website (under step 5) when the invitations have been sent.
The first step of the selection procedure consists of an assignment for which the deadline will be March 31st, 2021.
After a thorough assessment of all received assignments, a smaller selection of candidates will be invited for the second step of the selection procedure, which is a Skype interview with a part the selection committee. The Skype interviews will take place between April 19th and April 30th, 2021.
All selected candidates who have been invited to write an assignment will be informed on April 12th, 2021 whether or not they will be invited for a Skype interview.
Step 4: Result of the selection processOn May 14th, 2021, the result of the selection process will be communicated to all candidates that had a Skype interview..
The possible results are:
On May 14th, 2021, the result of the selection process will be communicated to all candidates that had a Skype interview..
The possible results are:
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