Bourses octroyées par la Fondation Friedrich Ebert en Allemagne
Publié le | Catégorie : Étudiants
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung offre des bourses aux Allemands et aux étudiants étrangers qui souhaitent entreprendre des études de baccalauréat, de master ou de doctorat dans des universités ou des écoles techniques allemandes. Les études peuvent porter sur n'importe quelle filière. La fondation soutient les jeunes talents qui veulent progresser dans leur développement personnel et figurer parmi les meilleurs dans leur domaine. La Fondation recherche des individus engagés dans des objectifs sociopolitiques.
Host Institution(s):
German universities and technical colleges
Level/Field(s) of study:
Bachelors, Masters or PhD degrees in any subject, except for those mentioned at this link.
Number of Scholarships:
Not specified
Target group:
International students from all over the world. The Foundation particularly supports students with limited financial opportunities or who come from families with a migration background.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Scholars receive up to €744 per month. In addition, there is a monthly flat-rate study fee of €300 euros, which all scholars can freely use. Depending on the applicant’s situation, scholars may also receive a contribution to health insurance of up to €71 and long-term care insurance of up to €15 per month. Scholars with children can receive a family allowance of €155 euros per month. The scholarship does not have to be repaid.
The Foundation supports stays abroad during the funding period – through subsidies for travel expenses, tuition fees and international health insurance, especially for study or research stays, language courses and internships of up to 12 months.
Applicants could be Germans, foreign students with education or those with refugee status. Applicants should be individuals committed to society, for example, in active participation in the student council, youth work, participation in associations and NGOs or in political organizations that are appropriate to the tenets of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung. Those who previously have been enrolled at a German university are ineligible.
Applicants should possess:
• sociopolitical engagement and identification with the values of social democracy
• above-average performance in school and studies
• political thinking
• thirst for knowledge
• tolerance and openness
• ability to work as a team
• critical thinking
• self reflection
Applicants for basic Bachelors and Masters degree courses must have the following:
• Confirmation of study place or certificate of enrollment at a state or state-recognized German university or technical college for the course for which they want to be funded
• Foreign applicants must also demonstrate sufficient German language skills
• First-year students (Germans and foreign students with education) must apply before or at the beginning of the first semester.
PhD funding applicants must have:
• Unconditional notification of admission to the doctoral scholarship
• Foreign applicants must also demonstrate sufficient German language skills
Application instructions:
To apply, you must fill up the online application form. If you are eligible for a scholarship, the Foundation will request additional documents from you by e-mail. The application deadline for Masters degree scholarships for international students is 30 November 2020 for the Winter semester and 31 May 2021 for the Summer semester. PhD candidates can apply at any time. For all other students please see the official website (link found below) for application deadlines.
Site web officiel pour en savoir plus:
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